Saturday, September 14, 2013

I need YOUR help!!!

Remember back in Babywearing 101 when I mentioned I had never used a pod carrier before?  Well, I entered a design contest with one of my favorite conversion artists to win a free pod conversion and I'm one of the finalists!

All I need you to do is go to their Facebook page and "like" ^that^ picture!!  THAT'S IT! If you ever want me to return the favor I would be more than happy to :-)

While you're there be sure to check out some of the amazing carriers!  If you ever decide to order be sure to let them know Amanda Hinson sent you!

Thanks again!

PS - I'm trying to put together a pregnancy update (weeks 18,19,20) but I seriously hurt my back and can only sit up straight for so long.  It'll be coming soon though, promise!

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