
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baby Deux - 8 Weeks

This week has been odd, to say the least.  Starting on Saturday I was intermittently having really intense, stabbing cramps.  Then on Sunday I spiked a fever of 101.3.  I was able to get it down with Tylenol, but I called the OB on Monday just to see if they thought I should come in, and they did.

Before I continue with this story I kinda need to explain the hospital on base.  Essentially it's a long hallway with different clinics lining either side.  Everything you need is there.  Family practice, pediatrician, radiology, lab, immunizations, pharmacy...everything.  Including an "Immediate Care Clinic."  So literally, the OB is a 30 second walk down a hallway from the ICC.

I got there and I knew I would be waiting a while, it is, after all, essentially an emergency room (luckily The Sailor was able to come home from work so he could watch W).  I ended up being there for 4 hours. They ran a bunch of tests, couldn't find anything wrong with me, even checked my HCG and it was in a normal range.  But since they couldn't find a cause for the intense stabbing pains I was having the ICC doctor wanted to have an ultrasound done.  But the only clinic that has an ultrasound machine is OB - and the doctor "on call" said if there's no bleeding and I'm less than 10 weeks there's absolutely no reason to do an ultrasound; come back when I start bleeding.

Are you kidding me!?  I'm so sick of the experience I'm having at this hospital already!  And the sad part is, I had such a great experience with W throughout my pregnancy that was one of the main reasons we got pregnant again so quickly (since we will likely be transferring next summer).  It's just so disappointing.  I know if something were wrong, odds are there would be nothing we could do about it.  But still, it sucks to worry all.the.time.  And I know there are like a million pregnant women right now, but that doesn't mean they should be asshats to us!

Apart from that, I'm still tired, get randomly nauseous, and my lovely ::sarcasm:: pregnancy skin is coming back.  The acne has already started and the itchy scalp and dandruff is full force!  It actually makes me think I'm closer to 9 weeks than since that didn't start till I was much closer to my second trimester when I was pregnant with W.

I don't have a belly picture this week (oops)!  But I do have some really cute pictures from W's first fishing trip (which is what The Sailor requested to do for Father's Day)...

It was really nice to get out of the desert and go to Lake Kaweah...

 Watching Daddy get the hook ready...
 Having an apple sauce break...
 Look how handsome my men are!

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