
Monday, June 4, 2012

Oops I did it again....

...I played with your heart, got lost in the game, oh baby baby...

I don't know what's wrong with me (blogging-wise, that is)!!!  When I was planning my wedding to the Ex I was SO GOOD at blogging on a near daily basis, and now I can't even get myself to post on a weekly basis.  I have so much to say and share, but I feel like I don't even know where to start.  I am really going to try and blog regularly but instead of trying to catch up completely on the past two months (because, yeah, my Little Seamonkey turned 2 freakin' months last Friday) I'll just give you a quick run-down...

The Seamonkey is pretty awesome.  He sleeps in his bassinet right next to me every night.  I'm not ready for him to go to his crib yet, but every night the bassinet seems to get smaller and smaller so the move down the hall seems to be getting closer and closer, whether I like it or not.  He usually falls asleep downstairs with us around 830, then gets fed right before we go to bed around 10.  Then he gets up to eat around 3, and gets up again around 6 which is when I just pull him into bed to snuggle with me until we get up around 730.

Breastfeeding has been super easy for us.  Actually, the biggest problem is I'm still overproducing and he doesn't really appreciate it.  In fact, when I let down he starts chomping down on the tip of my nipple to slow down the flow.  I just started block feeding to try and help that and I haven't noticed a change yet; I'll try to get myself to do a post specifically about my boobs (because I know you all love reading about my boobs).

As for milestones - his neck control is getting pretty awesome and he loves to stand (with me holding his hands).  He hates tummy time but loves being worn in our favorite baby accessory - the Babyhawk Mei Tai.  He smiles when he's happy and his lower lip quivers when he isn't and his favorite place in the house is laying on his changing table staring up at the lanterns.  And when he sees his reflection he starts babbling to himself.

The Sailor is an amazing father.  He supports my needs/wants in parenting 100% (like breastfeeding, having the baby sleep in our room, babywearing, etc.) and always wants to help.  I feel bad because by the time he gets home from work the baby has started his evening-crankiness where all he wants to do is nurse in preparation for going to bed, but the easiest way to get the baby to fall asleep is to have The Sailor hold him against his chest; he passes out every time.

And I'm doing really well.  As afraid of postpartum depression as I was, I couldn't be further from depressed.  I can honestly say I love being a Mom and I just feel like a lot of it has come naturally to me.  But, I've been super lucky since The Seamonkey is a pretty easy baby!  It would be a completely different story if he never slept, couldn't latch on, and screamed all day and night.  My biggest problem is that I fucking hate my body.  I definitely plan on posting more about that!  I've also been sewing a lot and plan on starting my baby book/scrapbook soon so I obviously will post about that.

I'm not sure if I told you guys or not but it turns out The Sailor is getting deployed again in August.  Yeah, I fucking sucks.  And he'll be due to get back right around The Seamonkey's first birthday.  The thought of it makes me sick.  Actually, I'm tearing up right now thinking about it (and I don't even blame it on my still wonky hormones...the idea of him leaving just makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry).  I have no idea how I'm going to take care of a baby, two dogs, and a cat on my own.  When I think about it I get so bitter.  Being a military wife is basically being a single Mom.  But, this should be his last deployment for a very long time, and I just need to focus on that.

So yeah, that's the cliff notes version of what's going on in my life right now.  I'm really going to try and stay on top of blogging!  As hard as it probably is to believe, I love blogging.  It's incredibly therapeutic for me!  I just have to force myself to sit down and do it.  So, if a few days pass and I still haven't posted someone please send me a virtual kick in the butt (in the form of a friendly reminder comment)!

Until next time...

PS - look how much my little man grew!!!!!  Make it stooooooooop....I want him to stay little forever...

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