
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Simply putting a picture in a frame isn't "framing" it!

But The Sailor seems to think so, haha.

Seriously, he has some pretty damn cool looking posters/certificates/Navy stuff and they're just haphazardly thrown in (ugly) frames! Right now the horribly framed cool things are just sitting in the "dining area" of our tiny ass apartment (we're just using it as storage since our apartment is literally the size of a studio, just with a few added walls) but once we get into base housing I'd like to create a "gallery wall" type effect in our staircase. If you have no idea what I'm talking about do a Google image search of "gallery wall staircase" and you'll see what I mean - I don't want it QUITE as busy as the images that come up.

We already have the super cool certificate thingy and cartoon drawing of one of the jets The Sailor used to work on (I just have to re-frame them) (they're pictured below). He also has some Navy plaque things that I haven't taken pictures of. Then I'd like to display a few of our wedding photos and pictures of our four-legged babies. And finally, there's a picture of The Sailor from his last deployment where he's giving the thumbs-up to a jet that is going to leave that I absolutely love; I'd like to get it blown up and frame that as well.

I know I'll need to gather up a few more things to truly make the gallery wall that I'm envisioning, but I think I'm off to a good start! What do you think?

Until next time...

Please take a moment to laugh at what a guy The Sailor is as you notice how horribly these things are framed...seriously, its hilarious...


  1. I love that last photo! It should be blown up! lol

    PS. I hope you are following the right blog! Ugh! Blogger made this more complicated than I wanted!

  2. Don't worry, it'll be blown up and properly matted and framed by yours truly!

  3. I love it. That sounds about right typical men!


I always love getting some blog love...