
Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Great Turtle Rescue!

So, this morning when I took Gabby out to do her business I noticed a little baby turtle in the middle of the street.  At first I thought he might be dead, but then I noticed he was moving - even though it was barely noticeable.
Personal Cell Phone Picture
Even though my general rule of thumb is to not mess with wild animals, I just couldn't stomach the idea of him getting hit by a car so I decided to move him to the pond/lake thing that is right behind The Sailor's Uncle's housing complex (where there are tons of turtles).  So Gabby and I went back to the house to get a plastic cup to carry him in.
Personal Cell Phone Picture
He really was adorable, and I Gabby would have loved to keep him, but I reminded myself her that he wouldn't remain tiny and cute, so we headed over to the lake/pond to set him free where he would hopefully find his Mom, or maybe a cousin or two to keep him company.
Personal Cell Phone Picture
And we set him free by the edge of the water.
Personal Cell Phone Picture
I feel kinda bad if he was trying to head in the opposite direction, but being moved a half mile in the wrong direction is better than getting killed by a Mini Van any day in my book!

Would you have moved the little guy or would you have let him find his own way?


  1. I would have moved him back! Or maybe there was a pond across the street?

  2. Miss Tattoo - The pond I moved him to was like 30 seconds away (walking). In my head the story ends with him finding his Turtle-Mom there and living happily ever after, lol.


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